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  • SEITZ: The Macrolepidoptera of the American Region Vol.6 (Text): Bombyces and Sphinges  update: 22.08.2023
  • SEITZ: The Macrolepidoptera of the American Region Vol.6 (Plates): Bombyces and Sphinges  update: 22.08.2023
  • SEITZ: The Macrolepidoptera of the American Region Vol.7: Noctuiformes  update: 22.08.2023
  • SEITZ: The Macrolepidoptera of the American Region Vol.8: Geometridae  update: 22.08.2023
  • HAMPSON (1898-1901): Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum Plates Vol.1-3 (Arctiidae)  update: 22.08.2023
  • HAMPSON (1903-1909): Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum Plates Vol.4-8 (Noctuidae)  update: 22.08.2023
  • CLARKE (1969): Catalogue of the Type Specimens of Microlepidoptera in the British Museum describes by Edward Meyrick. Vol. 7: Gelechiidae  update: 22.08.2023
  • CLARKE (1969): Catalogue of the Type Specimens of Microlepidoptera in the British Museum describes by Edward Meyrick. Vol. 6: Gylyhipterigidae  update: 22.08.2023
  • BUSCK (1914): New Genera and Species of Microlepidoptera from Panama - Smithonian Institution 47  update: 22.08.2023
  • DYAR (1914): Report on the Lepidoptera of the Smithonian Biological Survey of the Panama canal zone - Smithonian Institution 47  update: 22.08.2023
  • Herrich-Schäffer (1850-1858): Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropäischer Schmetterlinge  update: 22.08.2023
  • Herrich-Schäffer (1858): Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropäischer Schmetterlinge  update: 22.08.2023
  • Edward Meyrick (1932): Exotic Microlepidoptera Vol.IV  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1911): New Species of Heterocera from Costa Rica IV (Noctuidae). The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (7): 33-84  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1911): New Species of Heterocera from Costa Rica V (Syntomidae, Arctiidae, Noctuidae etc.). The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (7): 173-193  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1911): New Species of Heterocera from Costa Rica VI (Notodontidae etc.). The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (7): 262-294  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1912): New Species from Costa Rica XVII (Geometridae). The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (10): 231-240  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1912): New Species from Costa Rica XVIII (Noctuidae). The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (10): 509-532  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1913): New Species from Costa Rica XIX (Noctuidae) - The annals and magazine of natural history 8: 1-44  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1913): New Species from Costa Rica XX (Thyrididae) - The annals and magazine of natural history 8: 234-262  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus (1913): New Species from Costa Rica XXI (Geometridae) - The annals and magazine of natural history 8 (11): 361-387  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.2: Heterocera (text) Druce 1891-1900  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.2: Rhopalocera (text) Godman & Salvin 1887-1901  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.3: Heterocera (plates) Druce 1881-1900  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.3: Rhopalocera (plates) Godman & Salvin 1879-1901  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.4: WALSINGHAM 1909-1915  update: 22.08.2023
  • Biologica Centrali-Americana Vol.4: plates  update: 22.08.2023
  • Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 2: Lepidoptera (Felder & Rogenhofer) Atlas  update: 22.08.2023
  • To the knowledge of Geometrid moths of Nicaragua  update: 22.08.2023
  • Christophe Avon (2016): Lepidoptera America: Text  update: 22.08.2023
  • Christophe Avon (2016): Lepidoptera America: Pictures  update: 22.08.2023
  • BOLDSystems: Public Data Portal  update: 22.08.2023
  • flickr Neotropical Butterflies and Moths  update: 22.08.2023
  • Globiz:  update: 22.08.2023
  • NMNH Entomology Dpt: Types  update: 22.08.2023
  • Papilionidae of the World  update: 22.08.2023
  • Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory  update: 22.08.2023
  • W. Schaus: Smithonian Typus Specimens   update: 22.08.2023
  • Parasitoid-Caterpillar-Plant Interactions in the Americas  update: 22.08.2023
  • Smithonian Typus Specimens: Notodontidae  update: 22.08.2023
  • Janzen & Hellwachs: Butterflies & moths of Costa Rica  update: 22.08.2023
  • Costa Rica: Smithonian Typus Specimens   update: 22.08.2023
  • Discover Live Search: Moth of Costa Rica  update: 22.08.2023
  • iNaturalist: Animals of Costa Rica by Gernot Kunz  update: 22.08.2023
  • Costa Rica Tiger Moths (Kirby Wolfe)  update: 22.08.2023
  • Mariposario de la Escuela de Biología  update: 22.08.2023
  • Moths from Northwestern Costa Rica by Dan Janzen and Winnie Hallwachs  update: 22.08.2023
  • Prairie Haven (USA)  update: 22.08.2023
  • WIKI: Moths of Central America  update: 22.08.2023
  • Animals of Costa Rica (App)  update: 22.08.2023
  • American Butterflies (North and South America)  update: 22.08.2023
  • Butterflies of Ecuador  update: 22.08.2023
  • Collections Amérique du sud et centrale  update: 22.08.2023
  • Discover live: Moths of North America  update: 22.08.2023
  • Hétérocères de Guyane  update: 22.08.2023
  • INPN: Inventaire des Noctuelles de Guiane  update: 22.08.2023
  • Moths of the Amazon and Andes  update: 22.08.2023
  • North American Moth Photographers Group  update: 22.08.2023
  • Papillons d'Amérique du sud et centrale, Alex Cahurel  update: 22.08.2023
  • © Heiner Ziegler, Chur: 2007-2025 